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Published Date May 29,
Category General
Page Count 24
PDF File Size 4.53 MB
File Language English
Original File Source tapariatools.com

Price List for Taparia Tools Products in

Taparia Hand Tools price comparisons compare the lowest price, specifications, and expert reviews of Taparia Hand Tools to help you find the best deal on the products from both online and local stores.

Taparia Tools Products Price List

Price List for Taparia Tools Products in

Taparia F-clamp (30 cm) Rs. 2,165
Taparia SSO 50 50 mm Single-Sided Open End Wrench Rs. 1,320
Taparia 600 G Ball Peen Hammer (0.81 kg) Rs. 370
Taparia SSO 70 70 mm Single-Sided Open End Wrench Rs. 3,600
Taparia LN 11 Needle Nose Plier (Length: 11.02 inch) Rs. 449
Taparia Socket Set (Pack of 27) Rs. 4,365
Taparia 1021 Power & Hand Tool Kit Rs. 2,620
Taparia SSO 32 32 mm Single-Sided Open End Wrench Rs. 550
Taparia Socket Set (Pack of 18) Rs. 2,330
Taparia DEP 10N Double Sided Open End Wrench Set (Pack of 10) Rs. 570
Taparia F-clamp (40 cm) Rs. 1,260
Taparia Combination Screwdriver Set (Pack of 5) Rs. 189
Taparia 1808n Double-Sided Box End Wrench Set (Pack of 8) Rs. 729
Taparia 1277 900 mm Single-Sided Pipe Wrench Rs. 3,000
Taparia SSO 75 75 mm Single-Sided Box End Wrench Rs. 4,495
Taparia Socket Set (Pack of 25) Rs. 4,045
Taparia HPW 36 900 mm Single-Sided Pipe Wrench Rs. 3,990
Taparia SSO 60 60 mm Single-Sided Open End Wrench Rs. 2,225
Taparia KTH 9 S Allen Key Set (Pack of 9) Rs, 470
Taparia SSO 36 36 mm Single-Sided Open End Wrench Rs. 739
Taparia CC-18 Wire Cutter Rs. 1,450
Taparia SSO 38 38 mm Single-Sided Box End Wrench Rs. 795
Taparia 1172-S-10 30 mm Single-Sided Adjustable Wrench Rs. 375
Taparia KBHI 10X Allen Key Set (Pack of 10) Rs. 835

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