AP ECET Syllabus PDF 2022 |Exam Pattern @ sche.ap.gov.in

AP ECET Syllabus 2022 along with the latest Exam Pattern released at sche.ap.gov.in. So, students to score best marks in that ECET Exam must complete knowledge of the Andhra Pradesh ECET Exam Syllabus. We had added the Andhra Pradesh ECET Exam Pattern 2022. So, candidates can check out the article for getting more info from this article.

AP ECET Syllabus PDF and Exam Pattern

Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE) has released the syllabus of ECET 2022 at sche.ap.gov.in. Andhra Pradesh ECET syllabus is based on class 3-year B.Sc Degree syllabus. AP ECET is a computer based entrance exam for admission to BE/B.Tech & B.Pharmacy courses offered by various colleges . Candidates read the full article to know detailed AP ECET Syllabus 2022.

AP ECET Syllabus 2022 Details

Full Name Of The Organisation Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education
Short Nname of the Organisation APSCHE
Entrance Exam Name Andhra Pradesh State Engineering Common Entrance Test (ECET 2022)
Category Entrance Exam Syllabus
Courses Offered BE/B.Tech & B.Pharmacy
Notification Released Date 05 March 2022
Application form accepted Date 05 March 2022
Exam Date 30th April 2022
Hall Ticket Release Date 23rd April 2022
Official Website sche.ap.gov.in

Download Andhra Pradesh ECET Syllabus 2022?

  • Candidates first go to the official website @ sche.ap.gov.in
  • Find Syllabus Link of Andhra Pradesh ECET Syllabus pdf format.
  • Check subject wise ECET 2022 Syllabus and take the printout
  • Use the topics to gain the best marks in the Entrance exam

Andhra Pradesh ECET Exam Pattern 2022

Andhra Pradesh ECET Exam Pattern 2022 – Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE) has released the official exam pattern of AP ECET 2022 in online mode on 05 March 2022. Candidates are requested to check the details regarding ECET exam pattern before starting off their preparation process.

Engineering Stream AP ECET Exam Pattern:

  Subjects For the Test Max. Marks Remarks
 Mathematics 50 Common To All branches
 Physics 25 Common To All branches
 Chemistry 25 Common To All branches
 Engineering (Civil/Electrical/ Mechanical/Electronics & Communication/ Computer/Chemical/Metallurgical /Mining/ Electronics & Instrumentation/  Ceramic Technology/Bio-Technology as the case may be) 100 Separate question paper for each branch of Engineering
 Total 200

Pharmacy Stream AP ECET Exam Pattern:

  Subjects For the Test Max. Marks
 Pharmaceutics 50
Pharmaceutical Chemistry 50
 Pharmacognosy 50
 Pharmacology 50
 Total 200

B.Sc. Mathematics Stream AP ECET Exam Pattern:

  Subjects For the Test Max. Marks
Mathematics 100
Analytical Ability 50
 Communicative English 50
 Total 200

Know the complete details of AP ECET Exam Pattern below:

  • Exam Date and Mode: AP ECET 2022 Entrance exam will be conducted on 30th April 2022through online CBT mode.
  • Number and Type of Questions: Total of 200 multiple choice questionswill be asked in the entrance exam.
  • Language Medium:Question paper will be made available to the candidates in English language only.
  • Total Marks: Exam will be of total 200 marksfor all programmes.
  • Time Duration: Total time of 3 hourswill be allotted to complete the paper.
  • Marking Scheme: 1 markwill be given for each correct answer.

AP ECET Syllabus

AP ECET Syllabus

AP ECET syllabus 2022 will be released along with the information brochure. Before starting the preparation, candidates will be able to download the syllabus available in pdf format.

Diploma Holders in Engineering


Matrices, Partial Fractions, Trigonometry, Complex Numbers, Analytical Geometry, Differentiation and its Applications, Integration and Its Applications and Differential Equations.


Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding, Solutions, Acids and Bases, Electrochemistry, Water Technology, Corrosion, Polymers, Fuels and Environmental chemistry.


Units and dimensions, Elements of vectors, Kinematics and Friction, Work, Power and Energy, Simple harmonic motion and acoustics, Heat and Thermodynamics and Modern Physics.


Basic Industrial Biotechnology, Bio-Physics, Genetics and Cell Biology, Microbiology, Bio-Reactor Engineering, Molecular Biology-Genetic Engineering, Plant Bio-Technology, Animal Bio-Technology, Bio-Informatics and Enzyme Engineering.

For Ceramic Technology:

Geology and Mineralogy of Ceramic Raw Materials, White Ware and Heavy Clay Ware, Refractories, Glass Technology, Cement Technology, Advanced Ceramics, Fuels, Furnaces & Pyrometry and Enamels & Glazes.

For Chemical Engineering:

Material technology, Chemical process principles, Organic Chemical Technology, Inorganic Chemical Technology, Fluid mechanics, Heat transfer, Mechanical unit operations, Thermodynamics and Reaction Engineering, Mass Transfer, Instrumentation & process control, Environmental Studies and Pollution Control Engineering and Energy Technology & Plant Operation.

For Civil Engineering:

Strength of Materials, Theory of Structures, Reinforced Concrete Structures, Surveying, Hydraulics and Irrigation Engineering.

For Computer Science & Engineering:

Digital Electronics, Microprocessors, Computer Organization, C and Data Structures, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, RDBMS, Object Oriented Programming through C++, Java Programming and Internet Programming & ADO.net.

For Electronics and Communication Engineering:

Electronic Devices and Circuits, Circuit Theory, Electronic Measuring Instruments, Industrial Electronics,   Communication Systems, Advanced Communication Systems, Digital Electronics, Microcontrollers and Microprocessors, Consumer Electronics and Electronic Product Design, Data Communications and Computer Networks, Embedded Systems and Digital Circuit Design through Verilog HDL, Programming in C and Computer Hardware.

For Electrical & Electronics Engineering:

Basic Electrical Engineering, D.C. Machines, Batteries & Measuring instruments, A.C. Circuits and Transformers, A.C . Machines, Power System generation & Protection, Transmission and Distribution, Electric Traction, Electrical Estimation, Basic electronics and digital electronic and Power Electronics and Micro Controller.

For Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering:

Electrical Engineering, Industrial electronics and control engineering, Electronics, Digital Electronics, Electronic Measuring instruments, Process Instrumentation, Process Control, Communications and Linear IC Applications, Analytical and biomedical instrumentation and Microcontroller & PLCs.

For Mining Engineering:

Elements of Mining, Mining Geology, Methods of Working-Coal, Methods of Working of Metal, Opencast Mining, Mine Environmental Engineering-1, Mine Environmental Engineering-2, Mine Surveying, Mining Machinery-1, Mining Machinery-2, Mine Management, Legislation and Safety, Mineral Processing and Quality Control.

For Mechanical Engineering:

Workshop Technology, Welding, Forging, Foundry and Conventions in Drawing, Engineering Materials and Solid Mechanics, Design of Machine Elements, Thermodynamics, Hydraulic Machines and Pneumatics, Steam Boilers, Nozzles and Turbines, Refrigeration, Industrial Management and Engineering and Automobile Engineering.

For Metallurgical Engineering:

Elementary Principles of Metallurgy, Fuels, Refractories and Pyrometry, Metallurgical Thermodynamics, Physical Metallurgy, Heat Treatment Technology, Ferrous Extractive Metallurgy, Non-Ferrous Extractive Metallurgy, Material Testing, Mechanical Metallurgy, Foundry Technology, Welding Technology.

For Diploma Holders in Pharmacy

Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology.

For B.Sc (Mathematics) Graduates:

Analytical Ability:

Data Sufficiency, Sequences and Series, Data Analysis, Coding and Decoding Problems amd Date, Time and Arrangement Problems.

Communicative English:

Articles, Prepositions, Tenses, Active and Passive Voice, Concord, Question Tags, Synonyms, Antonyms, One word Substitutes, Affixes, Homophones, Words often confused, Spotting Errors, Sentence Improvement, Idioms, Phrasal verbs, Main idea, Factual question, Inferential, Jumbled parts of a sentence to be rearranged, Vocabulary, Requesting, Complaining, Seeking Permission and Apologising Suggesting.

Mathematics (For B.Sc Graduates):

Differential Equations of First Order and First Degree, Higher Order Linear Differential Equations, Elements of Number Theory, Elements of Number Theory, Binary Operations, Groups, Subgroups, Permutations, Cyclic Groups, Isomorphism, Groups of Cosets, Normal Subgroups and Factor Groups, Homomorphisms, Vector Differentiation, Vector Integration, The Sphere, The Plane, The Real Number, Sequences and Series, Limits, Continuous Functions, Differentiation, The Riemann Integral, Rings, Integral Domains, Some Non-Commutative Examples, Homomorphisms of Rings, Rings of Polynomials, Factorization of Polynomials over a field, Vector Spaces, Linear Transformation and Matrices, Systems of linear Equations, Determinants, Diagonalization and Inner Product Spaces.

Remember that the given AP ECET Exam Syllabus 2022 helps you a lot in the preparation time. Therefore, follow our website Careerswave.in and grab much more accurate information.

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